Our Battletech campaign is up and running again. After a multi-year hiatus, the Hellfire Aces mercenary band is once again taking jobs, this time as a Google Wave-based role-playing game. Learn more about the campaign.
Holocron Update: 5/2/2010
We’ve added several new articles to our Holocron of Zend wiki. Continue reading Holocron Update: 5/2/2010
The Mandalorian Interlude begins
The latest Shadows of the Force campaign arc has begun. In Episode 9: The Mandalorian Wars, we’re taking a break from our regular characters to play Mandalorians at the start of the Mandalorian Wars, the precursor conflict to the Jedi Civil War featured in Knights of the Old Republic. Continue reading The Mandalorian Interlude begins
Site Updates: Calendar Added, Nav Working
The calendar page is now up and running; I have some minor CSS tweaking to do, but the calendar itself is functional. For those who are curious, this calendar uses a WordPress plugin to display a calendar created and maintained in Google Calendar. Continue reading Site Updates: Calendar Added, Nav Working
Welcome to the New GriffCrier!
The Griffin’s Crier has been the home page the Blackrazor Guild since 1997. For most of that time, it served as the repository for information about our long-running World of Greyhawk campaign, a task that since been taken over by our Greyhawk wiki. With the wiki operational — and with more and more group members blogging — we decided to re-configure the GriffCrier to serve as a portal for our web content.