Tag Archives: pathfinder

Second Darkness concludes

After 2+ years of bimonthly game play, our Second Darkness campaign has come to a close.  Our heroes saved the world, defeating the nefarious drow and returning to the surface world as heroes.

Our experiences with the Pathfinder adventure path are chronicled at Nuketown:

You can also learn more about the campaign by visiting the Second Darkness portion of the GriffWiki.

Second Darkness: Descent into Midnight

Second Darkness: Descent into Midnight
Second Darkness: Descent into Midnight

Yep, the Blackrazor Guild is still alive and kicking.

We’ve entered into the final stretch of our Second Darkness campaign, with our heroes having delved deep below the surface of Golarion to root out the drow in the Vault of Black Blood.

Check out a primer for the campaign or read the sagas in our campaign wiki.

You can keep up with the campaign by reading game master Ken Newquist’s “Game Day” columns.