A raging giant storms through the Broken Hills.

Obsidian Frontier, Chapter 11: Against the Broken Hills Giants

Saga notes for Chapter 11 of the Obsidian Frontier campaign have been posted.

Burgel Nackle, Tänévir Calywyn, Finn Underbow, and Roaryk are hunting the Stone Heads, a small band of hill giant from the Broken Hills. The giants attacked the city during the blizzard in late Readying 515, but were driven back by warriors in the Griffins Guild. Two of the seven giants were killed outright during the raid while two more were badly injured. The heroes took it upon themsleves to track the giants back to the hills … and end them. They headed out with allies from the dwarven expeditionary force from Ulek as well the proto-Rallymen.

The heroes weren’t the only ones tracking prey in those hills. A warband of gnolls, related to the ones they’d encountered earlier when retreating from the Caverns of Quasqueton. They’d barely escaped from the gnolls when the monsters were attacked by ol’Triple Threat, an ancient, scarred wyvren. A pitched battle followed that left the gnolls dead and the heroes’ team badly injured.

This adventure finds our heroes hot on the trail of the giants, and features a pitched battle with two of the wounded monsters (and the wise retreat from a third, uninjured giant). Read the saga.

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