Obsidian Frontier, Chapter 17: Death’s Breath

The Griffins Guild has dispatched three of its proteges — Tanevir, Telthanas, and Burgell — to deal with the threat of the Green Blight, a green dragon that has seized control of a portal to the Feywild at the heart of the Verdant Waste. Accompanying them on this quest are several new recruits:

  • Hawkwind, a Pomarjian native whose tribe was wiped out by humanoid invaders,
  • Fargrim Frostbeard, a dwarven cleric of MuammanDuathal
  • Shump Bloodoath and Hank Ironvow, both half-orc fighters hired on from the Nazarn’s Answer mercenary company.

With the swirling elemental storm they accidentally summoned still raging over the Dire Downs to the East of Obsidian Bay, they have chosen to travel through the tamer (or at least, less lightning blasted) hills to the south. Even here they can see signs of the Verdant Waste’s rampant expansion, as well as signs of flash flooding caused by the deluge to the north. They’ve dealt with their first significant threat — bugbears who successfully ambushed them in their camp — and are now pressing on toward the Waste.

Read the full saga.

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  • There is no Charge action, but there is a Charge-related feat.
  • Monster lore? House rule: Nature rolls for natural beasts, Religion for undead creatures and Arcana for magical creatures
  • Delay vs. Ready: There is no “Delay” rule in 5th Edition. Instead there is “Ready”, which lets you prepare a single action as a re-action, with someone else’s action as the trigger.
  • St. Handraleo

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Obsidian Frontier, Chapter 16: Recruitment Drive

Our heroes have returned to Obsidian Bay and report to their respective masters in the Griffins Guild about the happenings in the Dire Downs and the rapidly-expanding Verdant Waste. They earned praise for the death of the legendary Ol’Triple Threat, but the elders of the Griffins Guild — including the mage Robertson and the bladesong warrior Willow Wind — were particularly concerned when they learned that the strange eastern auroras of the last few weeks had been caused by a green dragon seizing control of the Viridescent Keep. **The Green Blight**, as the dragon styled itself, had driven out the keep’s Unseelie lord, **Prince Selanar**, and was now in control of the Emerald Way — a portal to the Feywild itself. The dragon has been using this portal the manipulate the surrounding countryside in a bid to expand its own power.

Meanwhile, the Robertson and Willow Wind explained that the guild was facing its own troubles in the form of the Purple Squid hobgoblins, who had managed to build a sizable fleet of ships and were using it to raid shipping in the Azure and disrupt trade with Obsidian Bay. The Griffins are planning a major expedition to deal with the hobgoblins once and for all, but acknowledged that the threat of the Green Blight could not be ignored. They asked that the heroes — Finn Underbow, Burgell Nackle, Tänévir Calywyn, Hawkwind, and Telthanas — investigate the threat and do their best to end the Green Blight.

To that end, the heroes are now assembling a force of adventurers and retainers eager to head out into the unknown in search of glory, gold … and a dragon. Read the full saga.


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Obsidian Frontier, Chapter 15: Bean Counting

Ol’Triple Threat is dead at the hands of the Griffins Guild and their associates. The heroes then traveled into the Dire Downs, where they discovered that the land had been transformed. Magic radiating from the Green Way, a Feywild portal located deep in the Verdant Waste, was causing rampant flora growth. In addition strange creatures like phase spiders and dinosaurs were suddenly running rampant in the area.

The heroes successfully looted the wyvern’s lair and are now contemplating their next move. Read the saga.

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Obsidian Frontier, Chapter 14: Seeking the Dire Downs

Our heroes are seeking their adventuring companion, Kor, aka “General” Kor. The former down-on-his-luck adventurer has found new purpose, a new religion, and even new competence thanks to a pair of magical items: a rusty gauntlet and a vicious battle axe. Both of these items are holy relics of Hextor … and Kor has used their power to attract dozens, if not hundreds of followers to them. Together they have taken the old headquarters of the Steel Skull Mercenary Company. This company, led by the now-fallen antipaladin Lord Randall, once offered its services to the various barons of the Pomarj, but secretly coveted their own kingdom.

To that end they forged the Ironbound Warriors, fierce automatons or golems (the stories are unclear on their exact nature) but never had the opportunity to use them. Lord Randall was lynched by the families of his many victims at his ancestral home of Bloodstone Tower, and the mercenary company feel on hard times soon after. Kor, however, has found the company’s secret vault and — if rumors are to be believed — taken control of the Ironbound Warriors within. Now he works to found the “Wyvern Empire”, a force that will drive back the humanoid invaders and establish law and order on the Pomarj once more.

While searching for the Steel Skull fortress, the heroes encountered a band of “Death’s Head” gnolls. These creatures were hunting them with the intention of capturing the adventurers and bringing them back to their hag masters. They might have succeeded had it not been for the timely intervention of a patrol of “Wyverns” — followers of Kor sent out into the Pomarj on a wide patrol. The Hextorites helped defeat the gnolls, a handful of whom escaped with their pack leader.

The enemy defeated, our heroes joined forces with the Wyverns, asking them questions about “General” Kor as they made their way toward the Steel Skull fortress. On their way, however, they were attacked by ol’Triple Threat, a huge and ancient wyvern. They were barely able to fend the creature off, but the fight cost them all but two of their Hextorite escorts. The survivors and the adventurers continued their trek north only to realize that the wyvern was following them. Realizing they needed to make a stand, they sought out an old open pit iron mine that the Hextorites were familiar with. They laid a trap in one of its large warehouse buildings. They rigged a firestorm to be triggered at their command, and then lure the great flying reptile into it using the party’s gnome as bait. The trap worked and the wyvern died in an inferno of oil and wood. Unfortunately the rest of the Hextorites died in the fight.

Talthanas, the party’s rogue-bard, was fascinated by the wyvern, and explained — even while they were being pursued by the creature — that he knew where the monster’s lair was. “Reading all those field reports finally paid off!”

Read the saga at the Griffin’s Crier Wiki.

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Obsidian Frontier, Chapter 13: Return of the Triple Threat

Our heroes have narrowly defeated a warband of gnolls. The gnolls, dispatched by the Death’s Head Sisters, sought to capture the elusive adventurers. They would have succeeded if not for the intervention of a patrol of “General” Kor’s Wyverns operating out of the old Steel Skull Fortress.

The patrol consists of a dozen newly-trained soldiers operating under the command of Sgt. Feld Deathspeaker. Eight of these men were traditional foot soldiers, while four were dedicated archers. They have been patrolling the land around the Steel Skull looking for threats, recruits … and the heroes. Kor, when not possessed by the malevolent will of the ghost antipaladin Lord Randall, sincerely hopes that his friends while join him in forging the Wyvren Empire.

Unfortunately for Argnar and the heroes … the would-be empire was about to go face-to-face with its namesake.

Read the full saga at the Griffin’s Crier Wiki.

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"Hit Hard, Hit Fast. If that doesn't work, run like sissies."