Weird Pulp, Episode 7: The Gala

“Episode 7: The Gala” of Weird Pulp is now online. In this episode the Wardens mourn the loss of their own, attend a gala in their honor at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and get into an unexpected gunfight.

Other recent site updates include:

Weird Pulp, Episode 6 now online

We’ve posted the adventure notes from Episode 6: The Summoning, in which our heroes take on malevolent fishmen who are stalking the New York City waterfront … and lose of their own.

Other site updates include:

Weird Pulp Campaign Launches

After a successful playtest of Weird Pulp and Savage Worlds, we’ve decided to launch a short-to-mid-range Weird Pulp campaign.  The campaign is expected to run from early Spring 2014 through Summer 2014.

It will follow the adventures of a group known as the Wardens,  a loosely-knit secret society with offices in Bombay, Cairo, New York, London, San Francisco, and Hong Kong. It is an organization comprised of men and women of action — troubleshooters, adventurers, and mystics — who have sworn an oath to protect the innocent from threats both mundane and magical.

Check out the campaign website for more information.

Weird Pulp Playtest

With our Numenera playtest concluded, the Blackrazor Guild has moved on to Savage Worlds.  We’re running a Weird Pulp campaign using Savage Worlds Deluxe, Horror Companion, and Weird War II and set in the late 1930s.

We’ve experimented with Savage Worlds before — we ran a Weird Pulp one shot a few years ago, and we’ve run a few convention games at MEPACon and our homegrown Nuke(m)Con — but this is our first sustained run of the game.

We’ve kicked things off with Pinnacle Entertainment Group’s free adventure, The Eye of Kilquatowhich is part of their pulp genre supplement. Unfortunately they haven’t released the much-anticipated Pulp Companion yet, but we should be able to make do with the core rules and a few supplementary sourcebooks.

You can learn more about the playtest by reading Nuketown’s “Game Day: Return to Weird Pulp” column.

Cover credit: The Spider image is from Spider #1.




"Hit Hard, Hit Fast. If that doesn't work, run like sissies."